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愛瑞國際認證呂腕菁總經理贈台中市府1500組世界頂級飲品 感謝台中快篩站防疫人員辛勞@電傳媒



呂腕菁總經理表示,比利時【愛瑞國際技術驗證公司】台灣分公司2018年設立台中,隔年受到ISO 17025認可之【愛瑞國際認證實驗室】相繼問世,於台南市攜手為國內外客戶提供車燈光學認證服務。日後將持續堅持誠信原則,不斷精進、突破,秉持不忘本的態度,恪守自比利時來台設立分公司的初衷,扎根台灣,放眼國際,感恩這片養育自己的沃土。


Title: Donation from X RAY INTERNATIONAL Testing & Certification Co., Ltd. Taiwan Branch

1500 sets of top international beverages at the Quick Screening Station from Taichung Civil Affairs Bureau

Special Thanks to all the anti-epidemic staffs at the fast screening stations in Taichung

X RAY INTERNATIONAL Testing & Certification Co., Ltd.

Taiwan Branch, and XRI Rui International Certification Laboratories, which were accredited by ISO 17025 in coming year, based on Tainan City, specialty at providing optical certification services for automotive lights in domestic and foreign area customers. In presenting our thanks specially to the anti-epidemic staffs of the fast screening stations in Taichung,  a donation of 1,500 sets of top international beverages. The general manager of Belgian Business Taiwan, Lu Wanjing, on behalf of the donation, was personally accepted by Xu Zhaoshan, deputy director of the Taichung Civil Affairs Bureau.

Candice Lu, The founder said : I will continue to adhere to the principle of honesty, continuous improvement and breakthroughs, uphold the original attitude from the beginning for good , abide by the original intention of establishing a branch in Taiwan from Belgium, rootingand starting in Taiwan, developing worldwide, grateful for this nurturing and founding  Fertile soil for people.

Sincerely, X RAY INTERNATIONAL Testing & Certification Co., Ltd. Taiwan Branch, is touched by the first-line anti-epidemic partners of the Taichung Civil Affairs Bureau Quick Screening Station, and thanks for sharing the selection of Belgian air-freighted chocolates and manor-grade hand brewed coffee and tea from Taiwan’s primeval forests.  Started from Taiwan , our base,  yet we won’t be absent from improving the best Shunshuncha to the world.

Also we provide our products to the front-line anti-epidemic partners to feel the gratitude from Belgium as well, since you suffer the daily hard pressure, the anti-epidemic partners.  Sincere greetings from friends in Taiwan and memories touching you and me  in coming days for good.


X RAY INTERNATIONAL Testing & Certification Co., Ltd.

Taiwan Branch has been based in Taiwan for years. Feel like to caring the local artists and friendly farming, it keeps  in supporting the new residents’ activities. By a combination between the enterprise and public welfare, it spreads the flames of endless hope, and keep on the integration in art and culture.  Xin Chuan’s local-based corporate love spirit has become the locomotive of a new generation of enterprises.

Lai,Mu-fen, the founder of HuaweArt News who assisted in this donation, said: X RAY INTERNATIONAL Testing & Certification Co., Ltd. Taiwan Branch established Taichung in 2018 and has continuously participated in art sales and various local care activities in Taiwan.

This time,  the donation of 1500 sets of world-renowned top beverages is to boost morale for colleagues in the quick screening station of the Civil Affairs Bureau of Taichung City. During a long term fighting to the epidemic, we support all partners,  including the cultural industry and the front line of epidemic prevention, taking the local-based corporate spirit of great love.





2UDN 新聞中心